FTSE 250 Insurance company

Technologies used

HTML/CSS, Javascript, Pardot, Salesforce Sales Cloud, Business Analysis

Client & product

Our client is a premium insurance firm operating mainly in the US and UK with a mission to improve relationships with their clients as well as promote the best wellbeing services. The London-based employer has been using Salesforce and Pardot for a while, but they still needed certain adjustments and customizations added to their digital environment. They asked Cloud Knot to improve the already existing company’s Pardot and Salesforce Sales cloud functionality.


The client’s previous vendor implementations within the system were outdated and user adoption was poor and lacking input. The main task for us was to come up with a set of solutions to both fix what was done poorly and improve the adoption of software for better digital environment.


  • Performing deep scope audit of Pardot

  • Exploring how users are interacting with the platform

  • Designing frameworks with the best practices how day to day users should use Pardot

  • Designing custom preference centers for subscribers

  • Developing custom preference center and custom responsive email templates


  • Improved business flow & adoption of Salesforce and Pardot in the organization

  • Reduced overall time spent on the marketing campaigns

  • The decreased churn rate of subscribers

  • Improved data maintenance within Salesforce for the client


Manufacturing company